The Missing Middle with Mike Moffatt and Sabrina Maddeaux
Welcome to the Missing Middle, a podcast about why the middle class in Canada is disappearing. We hope to help you understand why life is becoming unaffordable for so many in this country, and what can be done to reverse course.
The Missing Middle with Mike Moffatt and Sabrina Maddeaux
Canada Has a Soft Corruption Problem - Eric Lombardi of More Neighbours Toronto
Over and over again, we see the same problems come up when building anything physical in this country, such as a house or a train. Costs start to balloon and every project seems to end up over budget – or at least costs us more than it would cost to build in other countries.
More Neighbours Toronto’s founder Eric Lombardi attributes this largely to a system of soft corruption.
In this conversation, he highlights how convoluted processes and lack of transparency lead to inflated costs and diminished outcomes. He compares Canada's approach to infrastructure with that of European countries, emphasizing the need for standardization and in-house expertise. Lombardi proposes solutions to improve procurement processes and accountability, advocating for a more efficient and transparent system that prioritizes taxpayer value.
Canada can no longer afford to ignore its ‘soft corruption’ problem
Altus Group
More Neighbours
Guest: Eric Lombardi, https://x.com/EricDLombardi
Hosted by Mike Moffatt & Cara Stern & Sabrina Maddeaux
Produced by Meredith Martin
This podcast is funded by the Neptis Foundation and brought to you by the Smart Prosperity Institute.